Precauciones para los niños que usan balancín

- 2021-07-08-

Como una especie de juguete de diversión, elbalancín is very popular among children. But in the process of playing, there are also certain risks. The safe use of balancíns can make children play happier.

1. Solo un niño puede sentarse en un extremo delbalancín. Si la diferencia de peso entre dos niños es demasiado grande, puede discutir con el niño y jugar con otro niño de peso similar en lugar de sentarse en el extremo más liviano con otro niño.
2. Two children should sit on the balancín face to face, do not turn around, sit back to back.
3. Let the child hold the handle tightly with both hands, do not try to touch the ground or let the hands empty. Place your feet in a special pedaling place. If there is no place to pedal, you can hang down naturally instead of curling up under the balancín. Otherwise, when the balancín is pressed down, it will press the child's feet.
4. Si otros niños juegan en elbalancín, keep their distance while waiting next to them. Never stretch your feet under the tilted balancín, stand between the beams of the balancín, or try to climb on the balancín that is tilting up and down.