Normas básicas de seguridad para columpios para niños

- 2021-07-09-

loscolumpio is free-standing, with at least 4 fixed pillars. The pillars should not be attached to the composite structure. The columpio is for people of two different age groups (2 to 5 years old and 5 to 12 years old). It is best to install a rotary columpio attachment, so as to minimize the number of chains wound around the top rail of the fence, and no more than two at most. The number under the columpio is no more than two. It is best to use processed wood fiber on the lower surface of the columpio, with a thickness of at least 2.5 cm, a rubber pad of 1.2 m*1.2 m, a depth of 15.2 cm to 20.3 cm, and a duckbill anchor for reinforcement. If there is not enough space to separate the fiber and sand at least 3 meters, then the sand and rubber surface can be combined. The columpio chain should be 4.0 standard size galvanized steel (vinyl paint is not allowed on the chain).

El asiento proporcionado por elcolumpio should be suitable for pre-school children and school-age children. If there is enough space, suitable columpios should be provided for children of each age group, and seats with safety belts and recessed seats should be provided between the different shelf intervals of the columpios. Columpioscon cinturones de seguridad deben ser químicamente resistentes. El asiento trasero empotrado completamente cerrado solo está disponible si se usa caucho moldeado y solo está reforzado con productos de acero. No se pueden utilizar asientos duros. No se pueden utilizar asientos de medio cubo con cadenas.
In the columpio safety zone, the front and back distance of the middle line of the columpioes el doble de la altura de la barandilla superior, y la distancia cercana entre la columna de apoyo y otros festivales posteriores es de 1,8 metros.