Poco conocimiento sobre swing

- 2021-07-12-

A columpio is a seat, often found at playgrounds for children, at a circus for acrobats, or on a porch for relaxing, although they may also be items of indoor furniture, such as the Latin American hammock or the Indian oonjal. The seat of a columpio may be suspended from chains or ropes. Once a columpio is in motion, it continues to oscillate like a pendulum until external interference or drag brings it to a halt. Swing sets are very popular with children.

En los patios de recreo, varioscolumpios are often suspended from the same metal or wooden frame, known as a columpio set, allowing more than one child to play at a time. Such columpios come in a variety of sizes and shapes. For infants and toddlers, columpios with leg holes support the child in an upright position while a parent or sibling pushes the child to get a columpioing motion. Some columpio sets include play items other than columpios, such as a rope ladder or sliding pole.

Para los niños mayores, columpiosa veces están hechos de un asiento de lona flexible, de una banda de rodadura de neumático ventilado de goma, de plástico o de madera. Una vista común del patio trasero es una tabla de madera suspendida a ambos lados por cuerdas de la rama de un árbol.